Friday 5 February 2010


First there will be a 10 second pan of the top of the car park, this will be the establishing shot so it will be a long shot showing the whole location.

Next will be a flash of Scarlett the (victim) running across the car park. This will just be a quick flash and will last only 2 seconds it will be a tracking shot.

Then there will be a cut back to the kidnapper (Jed) who will be wearing a balaclava who jumps up and the camera will freeze and his name will come up. This is be a semi-mid shot.

Next we will show a clip of Maria tied up and the attacker (Kate) will be putting masking tape, that looks like duct tape over her mouth. This will last for 4 seconds and it will freeze and our names will come up. We will use a medium shot and then a close up of Maria's mouth.

Mid shot of Scarlett looking back at Jed who is now catching up with her. At this point Scarlett will be frozen and her name will come up. It will then go back to the action and Jed grabs her arm. This will be a close up of Jed's hand on her arm.
A flash of Maria's hands which are tied up will be an extreme close-up and will last only 2 seconds.

It will then cut back to an empty car park with a scream over it. Then there will be a mid shot of Scarlett who is struggling against Jed, she punches him in the face and then there will be a long shot, to show Scarlett scrambling away.

There will be a flash of Maria and Scarlett both tied up, then a quick flash back to the fight between Scarlett and Jed, then cut back to an extreme close-up of Maria and Scarlett's eyes, which we will put on a split screen

Then back to a long shot of Scarlett running and then being caught by Jed.

Then end shot will be of Maria and Scarlett with duct tape over their mouths tied up, this will be a close-up to show their facial expressions.

All the way through fast paced music will be playing which we will create on Garage Band. It will start off eerie to create a tense atmosphere then it will pick up when all the action happens, until the freezes happen then the music will stop and there will wind sound to make the mood mysterious.

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